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Invent with Mudita

Work with Us

Whether you have a spontaneous idea or you are an inventor, partner with Mudita. We’ll offer the support you need and we’ll agree the right partnership for you.

Are we looking in the same direction?

Check if your ideas are in line with Mudita’s approach to innovation

Our ambition

We established the Mudita Innovation Lab to support our vision of the modern world. We want to revolutionise the world of consumer electronics by creating solutions which help people enjoy life, in line with the Mudita philosophy. We are looking for technologies which will help us overcome progressive addiction to technology, give us freedom, and technologies which will reduce our stress, as well as facilitate focus on the really important things. Those that will open the world to us, and not limit it to within five inches of the smartphone screen.

We are committed to establishing real relationships between people. Relationships where technology is the background, not in the forefront. Our ambition is to create designs that are both functional and beautiful. The content is inseparable from the form. You can find more information about what is important to us in Mudita Manifesto.

More than failing, we are afraid of not trying.

Research guidelines

We hope that the projects created, and research results obtained within Mudita Innovation Lab will become part of the company's new products and product lines. What are we guided by when choosing research directions?

  • Innovation potential

    As we value the potential to initiate change over the current business context

  • Long term commitment

    As we understand that ground-breaking research takes time

  • Interdisciplinarity

    If you want to, as technology serves people and cannot be created in isolation.

What can we offer?

You have a great idea and knowledge, but you don't have a team? We can help you build it. We will surely find a model that meets the specifics of your project and your plans.

Experience and assets

Experience in developing and selling innovative solutions. Mudita's customer base and the company's founders' contact base. As well as office and laboratory space, and project financing. Above all, however, we provide an inspiring atmosphere and an environment focused on creating innovative products for the global market.

Different models of cooperation

We are open to various models of cooperation and flexible in terms of remuneration. We believe success, including a financial one, should be shared with everyone who contributed to achieving it. We can hire you with a team of people in the Mudita Innovation laboratory, jointly submit a project in competitions organized by PARP, NCBR or the EU, take up part of shares in a company or purchase rights to use and develop the technology you have developed. You have a great idea and knowledge, but you don't have a team? We can help you build it. We will surely find a model that meets the specifics of your project and your plans.

Do you share our interests?

We’re specifically looking for ideas in the following areas:

  • Better energy management

  • Healthy screen solutions

  • Reduction of electromagnetic radiation

  • Solutions for children and seniors

  • Privacy protection

  • Other

Submit your idea!

Fill in the online form or download it and complete it later

Download and complete offline

Explain your idea to your grandparents

briefly, simply, convincigly
(Max 200 characters)

Technical description

let the jargon speak
(Max 500 characters)

Scientific soundness

prove that it is science, not magic
(Max 300 characters)

How is your idea linked to the Mudita manifesto?
(Max 300 characters)

What do you have now?

Idea, theoretical results, prototype, tested solution, patent application etc.
(Max 300 characters)

What do you need to make your idea come true?

be pessimistic
(Max 300 characters)

Existing products/solutions/studies similar to your idea

point three items
(Max 300 characters)

Sell yourself and your team

It is obvious that you are the best but tell us why
(Max 400 characters)

How to make 100 million US dollars with your idea?

“I don’t know yet” is also a valid answer
(Max 200 characters)

Contact details

Show more to complete online

We’ll be in touch

We will contact you within a few days and give you feedback. We cannot promise you that every project will be interesting for us, but we can guarantee that every idea will be thoroughly examined and answered.

Truly. No fake.

Any further questions?

  • How are we different from venture capital funds?

    Firstly, we are interested in innovative, breakthrough technologies and solutions, not in a business model or P&L. We believe that we will always find a market  for breakthrough solutions - as an independent product or as an additional functionality in the products of the capital group. Unlike VC funds, we are looking for solutions at an early stage of development, which still require research and are subject to significant risk. We also do not expect projects to have a clear business model and defined clients from the beginning, but from the very beginning we want to understand their potential to improve the quality of life. Finally, we differ from VC funds in that we employ engineers, programmers, electronics, designers and marketing specialists, not just financiers, and we actually work on our own products, starting with an idea for them and ending with bringing them to the market.

  • What is the decision-making process?

    First, it's fast. We recognize that good ideas require quick responses. We are ready to make decisions about involvement in a project within two weeks, regardless of its size. However, it is also up to you how efficiently this process will run. The better prepared you are to address any doubts, the sooner we can make a decision. Please take a moment to complete our IDEA BOARD and prepare for questions from us.

  • How big/small can the project be?

    We do not apply any limitations in terms of project size. Both small, one-person and two-person projects lasting several months as well as long-term ones, requiring years of work and commitment of dozens of people, are potentially interesting for us. The condition is that they are ground-breaking, have a clearly defined goal, and well-described measures that allow us to verify during their lifetime whether we are going in the right direction.

  • What is the timeline for projects?

    From several months to several years.

  • Can I publish my research results?

    Yes, although sometimes you will need to consider the limitations connected to the plans regarding commercialization of the product. For example, a desire to patent a solution requires that the details of the solution are not made publicly available prior to the submission of the application. Our philosophy, however, is that wherever possible, we try to share knowledge and solutions with the community. For example, the Mudita OS operating system which we have developed for the company's products has been made available as open source.

  • I need access to specialised laboratories.

    If you use the existing research infrastructure provided by research institutions, we will be happy to discuss an agreement enabling further use of these laboratories. If the project requires it, we can also build such a laboratory together.

  • What is the structure of the laboratory?

    You will be the head of your project. The projects are independent, although, of course, cooperation between them is possible. We are convinced that a deep understanding of the subject and passion are the key to success. If you need help, depending on the adopted model of project implementation, we can offer you support in the field of project management or the implementation of certain tasks. We offer support in the field of management, marketing and technology.

  • Can I take my team with me?

    Yes, of course, and you even should do it. If you have a good idea and you need people to help you make it happen, we will of course help you find them, but if you already have a team of people who share your passion and belief in success, so much the better.

  • I work at a university/in a company. Do I have to quit my job?

    We understand that that it's sometimes difficult to find time to pursue our passions. However, we also know that it's even more difficult to to build breakthrough solutions which impact the world, when one can only devote a few hours to the project each day. We will be happy to work with you, and perhaps also with your current employer, to look for a solution which will give you the comfort and safety of working on the project, but we expect you to devote most of your time to it and that it will be your main occupation.

  • University/company is the owner of the research results. Is it ok for me to share this project with Mudita?

    We believe that ethical behaviour in business pays always off. We are open to various models of cooperation, including the acquisition of a license or sublicense, but we want to be sure that we do not infringe anyone's copyrights. If  you have any doubts, please contact us and we will find the best solution together.

  • I live in Berlin/Cracow/Madrid/Bucharest. Do I need to move?

    The company's headquarters is located in Mokotów, Warsaw, but we are open to the possibility of remote work and/or space arrangement where there is already a competent and committed team in place. It is important, however, that the environment in which the project is created is inspiring and friendly because it is one of the important success factors.

  • I have a company, and I am looking for an investor in the next round.

    We are not an investment fund, so we are not interested in strictly financial investments. We would like to jointly develop new solutions which will become part of the Mudita ecosystem. We believe that we can contribute to the development of a project, not only by providing financial resources. Of course, we are open to cooperation with other investors, but while maintaining a significant influence on the direction of the project's development and the possibility of using the final results.

  • My idea is unique. I want to sign the NDA.

    We also have a lot of ideas. However, real value is created only by the combination of unique knowledge, passion, people, resources and ideas. We will not implement your project without you, but if you want, we can sign an NDA at the next stages of talks about the project. Try, however, to describe the project in the first step in such a way that you could feel comfortable and at the same time give us a chance to find out what the idea is about.

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