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Mudita Center

One desktop app for all Mudita devices

Mudita Center allows you to expand and update the features of Mudita Pure, while using your computer. Update MuditaOS, synchronize contacts, send a message.

An extension of MuditaOS

Mudita Center is privacy-focused - it will not store nor share any contact details or any other data with Mudita nor any third parties. It is also open-sourced for transparency and available for all three major operating systems - Windows, macOS, and Linux.

What you can do using Mudita Center

Update MuditaOS

Send messages

Import Contacts

Backup & restore Pure's data

Download Mudita Center

Download the latest version of Mudita Center for your operating system.

Mudita Center 1.8.0 - Planned release date - April 2023

More information will be shared in the near future.

  • Added

    Messages: Possibility to manage templates.

  • Fixed

    Messages: Fixed an issue with messages not disappearing from the input field after being sent.

Mudita Center 1.7.0 - Release date - 27.02.2022

  • Added


    • Added sequential update functionality.

    • Added message that the device cannot be updated if there is no available storage.


    • Appropriate notification has been added if an incorrect password is entered for the backup file.


    • Added a serial number preview for Harmony.

  • Fixed


    • Fixed a problem with erroneous communication about the failure of an update despite its successful completion.

    • Fixed a problem with the inability to initiate an update at 40% battery level.

    • Fixed an issue with the synchronization of Pure data with Mudita Center after the Pure upgrade from version 1.4.0.

    • Fixed an issue with the non-standard behavior of the progress bar during an update.


    • The backup password policy updated.


    • Design fixes.

Mudita Center 1.6.1 - Release date - 27.10.2022

In this release, we focused on bugfix. We have fixed 18 bugs occurring in our application.

  • Fixed


    • Fixed the problem of showing the data section when the phone is disconnected during restore.


    • Fixed problem with selecting contacts to import from Google with a large contact database.


    • Fixed an issue with forcing an update to the required version of Mudita Center.


    • Unified the process of starting new threads for saved and unsaved contacts.

    • Fixed an issue with an erroneous message when trying to delete a message during sending.


    • Added or improved translations in the Mudita Center application.


    • The ability to close the delete progress model has been removed.


    • Fixed an issue with the inability to send crashdumps from Harmony to support.

    • Fixed problem with the missing message of logs send completed successfully.

    • Fixed problem with missing message after failed log uploads.

    • Added formatting of text from crashdump report sent by contact support.

    Files Manager:

    • Fixed problem with different file size calculations for file list and music section.


    • Fixed handling of displaying long paths of backup locations.

Mudita Center 1.6.0 - Release date - 03.10.2022

In this release, we added the Music Files Manager, with the ability to add music files to the Pure via Mudita Center. We have provided the ability to view added files and the ability to check the overall and free space. This release requires an update of Mudita OS to version 1.4.0.

  • Added

    Files Manager:

    • Ability to transfer music files to Pure using Mudita Center.

    • Functions for searching files by name.

    • Options for viewing files uploaded to Pure.

    • The function of deleting uploaded music files from Pure.

    • Possibility to check the overall and free space.

Mudita Center 1.5.3 - Release date - 04.10.2022

In this release, we have added sending status for the messages, also search functionality to the Messages app. In addition, we added a limit on the number of characters entered when entering contacts. We fixed 13 bugs in our application.

  • Added



    • Sending status for the message.

    • Message search functionality.


    • Formatting to a text field in the customer support modal.


    • Limit of 32 characters when entering contact data.

  • Fixed



    • Fixed a problem with de-selecting multiple messages after canceling the delete action.

    • Fixed handling of long texts in the message search field.


    • Fixed the display of long telephone numbers.

    • Fixed an issue with the ".vcf" extension not being displayed with contacts exported from a VCF file.

    • Fixed a problem with displaying the wrong import progress percentage.

    • Fixed an issue with the inability to import contacts containing more than one email address.

    • Fixed the button - Deselect all contacts.

    • Fixed an issue with the application crashing in the contacts section when a large number of contacts are saved.

    • Fixed an issue with contacts not being displayed without a number in Mudita Center.

Mudita Center 1.5.0 - Release date - 12.08.2022

In this release, we have added message template features to the Messages app. When sending messages, you can use a predefined list of templates. In addition, we added, the ability to create new templates, edit existing ones, or delete them. Moreover, we added statuses unread, and fail status to the message. We also added the option to share contacts in a message and the ability to view and search contacts. We fixed 9 bugs in our application.

  • Added


    • Notifications to update operating system before using Mudita Center application.


    • Markings for unread messages.

    • Notifications about new messages at the main menu.

    • Ability to change read/unread message stats.

    • Possibility to add messages templates.

    • Notifications about new messages while message thread is open.

    • List of predefined message templates.

    • Automatic message updates in Mudita Center.

    • Possibility to delete templates one or more at once.

    • Possibility to edit templates.

    • Possibility to attach template to a message.

    • Fail status of message sending.

    • Ability to delete multiple message threads at once.

    • Possibility of resending a message which sending failed.

    • Possibility to delete a message in a thread.

    • Notifications when a new message coming.


    • Ability to view and search contacts.

    • Ability to share contacts in a message.


    • We added the option to send user email & descriptions along with the crash dump reports.



    • Fixed problem with autoscrolling to new messages.


    • Design fixes.

    Mudita News:

    • Fixed problem with loading articles in Mudita News section.


    • Fixed an issue with an incorrect message about the time it takes to re-enter a password after an incorrect password entry.


    • Fixed problem with Mudita Center crashing after Harmony update.


    • Fixed issue with Mudita Center not displaying favorite contacts created on Pure.

    • Updated missing translations.

    Note: With the release of Mudita Center 1.5.0, we are ending support for Pure versions lower than MuditaOS 1.3.0. Updating Pure to version 1.3.0 is obligatory before using the application.

Mudita Center 1.4.2 - Release date - 28.07.2022

In this release, we have fixed a problem with the synchronization of Mudita Center version 1.4.1 with Pure.

Mudita Center 1.4.1 - Release date - 29.06.2022

1.4.1 has the same scope as 1.4.0, we released it due to the minor issue with the version name in 1.4.0.

Mudita Center 1.4.0 - Release date - 24.06.2022

In this release, we added the possibility to send messages longer than 115 characters. Furthermore, we fixed 5 bugs in our system.

  • Added

    Messages: Ability to send messages longer than 115 characters.

  • Changed

    General: Updated dependencies and storybook version.

  • Fixed

    Pure: Fixed problem with Pure reconnecting to the Mudita Center after it was disconnected.

    Contacts: Fixed problem with importing contact database without Polish characters.

    Messages: Fixed issue with the scroll bar flashing in the news thread.

    Harmony: Fixed the process of synchronizing Mudita Center with Harmony.

Mudita Center 1.3.1 - Release date - 09.06.2022

In this release, we have renewed the certificates of the Mudita Center application for Windows.

Mudita Center 1.3.0 - Release date - 12.04.2022

In this release, we added an option to preview the status of Pure's data synchronization with the Mudita Centre app. Furthermore, we added small UI improvements.

  • Added

    Overview: Preview of Mudita Center sync status with Pure. Preview Pure serial number in the Overview section.

    Contacts: Edit and export option to drop-down at the main contacts view.

    UI/UX: UI update (font, styles, buttons, hover with tooltip on icons).

Mudita Center 1.2.0 - Release date - 28.03.2022

In this release we improved Pure’s data refresh in Center, creating a new backup requires a secure password. Furthermore, we fixed 18 bugs in our system.

  • Added

    Backup: Backup is protected with secure password.

    General: Pure’s data refresh in Center improvement.

    UI/UX: UI update (grid, colors).

    Help: Ability to collect logs from the update process. Information about crash dumps in logs.

  • Changed

    Tech: Updated Husky and other dependencies version. New structure rules - Help section.

  • Fixed

    Contacts: Fixed problem with reading large .vcf files. Fixed problem with Mudita Center not behaving properly when trying to import contacts from Google.

    General: Fixed issue with the display of Crash Dumps. Fixed Pure sync issue with Mudita Center on Windows 10 and macOS.

    Harmony: Fixed problem with displaying data after restore. Fixed problem with incorrect device name being displayed after low battery prompt.

    Privacy: Fixed problem with displaying user data in Center log files.

Mudita Center 1.1.1 - Release date - 03.12.2021

In this release we have added contact preview function during the import process. Furthermore, we fixed 17 bugs in our system.

  • Added

    Contacts: Contact preview function during the import process, starting with the second name.

  • Fixed

    Overview: Fixed problem with displaying the Overview section of the device despite its disconnection. Fixed problem with incorrect display of phone's network status.

    Contacts: Fixed problem with importing contacts without phone numbers. Fixed issue with duplicate contacts when importing from two sources. Fixed problem of not being able to save a contact without a phone number.

    Messages: Fixed problem of not displaying the latest messages in threads. Fixed problem with displaying deleted threads.

Mudita Center 1.1.0 - Release date - 01.12.2021

1.1.0 has the same scope as 1.1.1.

Mudita Center 1.0.0 - Release date - 23.11.2021

In this release, we have improved the functionality of the Messages application by adding options to create a message, send a message, and the ability to view the sender of a message. We have also added the ability to backup and restore Pure Phone. In addition, we added an onboarding process for Harmony, also the possibility to check the latest updates and the option to update Harmony via Mudita Center. Moreover, we improved the Overview section for Pure. We fixed 33 bugs in our application.

  • Added

    Backup/restore: Ability to Pure’s backup. Ability to Pure’s restore.

    Messages: Preview of message author. Possibility to create a message. Possibility to send a message. Messages refresh.

    Harmony: Onboarding process. Option to check information about newest Mudita Harmony OS update. Possibility to update Mudita Harmony OS.

    Overview: Preview to Pure Serial Number and SAR info. Preview to Pure’s color when device is connected.

    Contacts: Functionality to preview contacts to be imported sorted by last name.

    Security: Information on how long the user should wait with another attempt to enter the password, after an incorrect entry. Option to contact with support.

  • Changed/Improved

    Changes in legal documents ( License, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy).

    Update Backup/Restore EP documentation.

  • Fixed

    Contacts: Fixed issue with the contact name not being displayed on the message page. Fixed issue with the ability to create a contact without a phone number.

    Messages: Fixed issue with the message not displaying in the message section when it is empty. Fixed problem of not being able to access the Message Options menu. Fixed issue with messages that continued to appear in Mudita Center after deletion on Pure.

    UI/UX: Design fixes. Fixed images on the Onboarding screen.

    Factory reset: Fixed problem with factory reset not working.

    Help: Fixed the functioning of the Help section in the application.

    Tech: Fixed bugs on the technical side of the application.

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